Birth date: 5th May 1988, 03:02
Birth place: London, UK
Sign: Taurus

click to enlarge It is hard to believe this beautiful English recording artist and song-writer is a mere 23-years old. She should be feeling her way in her career; instead she is at the very top of her profession, in February 2012 winning six awards at the Grammy’s, including the prestigious trifecta of record, song and album of the year, and Best British Artist and Female Artist at the Brit Awards. Happily for her adoring fans, and modern music, Adele is no tortured soul, and we can expect years of wonderful music to come.
Not surprisingly Adele is a Taurus – a sign noted for musicality and especially the singing voice. Her sun is closely conjunct Jupiter – always handy for serious success – and trining Neptune in Capricorn. The sun is also widely trining Saturn, anchoring her to the real world. Aquarius rises with Mars conjunct the Ascendant – note the red hair – so Adele is a natural-born fighter.
It wouldn’t surprise me at all to see her taking more of interest in sports and fitness as she grows older. Her curves are to be celebrated but I'm not sure she'll always be so beautifully voluptuous... In November 2011 she underwent laser micro-surgery on her throat, which many feared would permanently damage her voice. Happily that was not the case, but it shows the potentially dangerous side of her Fixed ‘T’ –square (Sun-Jupiter opposing Pluto squared by an angular Mars).
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