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Monday, 3 June 2013

Why always him ? Footballer Mario Balotelli denies he sells drugs

Footballer Mario Balotelli has furiously denied a Mafia informant's claims that he had sold drugs to an addict 'as a joke.'
Balotelli, 22, was drawn into controversy after the supergrass gave evidence at a Mob money laundering trial.
Former gangster Armando De Rosa claimed the player had sold drugs as 'a joke' while in the company of senior gangsters.
But in a furious denial on Twitter Balotelli said: ' now I'm a drug dealer. First I was a shag...Then maybe I took it up the a...You should be ashamed. You are using my name just to publicise yourselve' he wrote in a dig to prosecutors involved in the case.

De Rosa had told the court: 'A friend called and said
'Would you like to see Balotelli' who was in Scampia (area of Naples). I thought it was a joke but he asked me to come and see him at a syringe exchange he had.
'Balotelli was there with members of the Russo and Amato-Pagano clams.
'Among them was a lad who was a dealer, he had a bag with doses of cocaine and heroin. I remember that Balotelli watched as a few deals took  place. Then for a joke he asked if he could do a sale.
'So he handed a dose to the next client. I remember asking him if he had recognised Balotelli but he didn't know what was happening or believe me.'
Balotelli's tweet was later removed from his account with Italian media reporting his new club AC Milan, where he moved to from Manchester City earlier this year, ordered him to.

Why always him ?

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