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Monday, 3 June 2013

Get Inspired !

If you tried really hard, (or maybe if you don't even try!) you could probably find at least a thousand things that are going wrong with your day. Maybe your tea is too hot, or the sun isn't out. Even though we have the power to make our own lives miserable, we also have the power to fill our lives with many positive things.

Start with reminding yourself, that for every negative thought that comes to your mind, "The weather is awful", "I'll never finish this test", "I don't have very many friends"... You can think of something positive to outweigh all that

I use the approach of saying at least five things that I am that are positive each day and night. I tell myself, "I am a good listener." "I am not afraid." "I am healthy." And you know what? It helps! There are a lot of people out there, scientists, doctors, experts, who will tell you that words don't mean anything. That just isn't true! Words are very powerful and what you say to yourself and to others can strongly effect the way you feel about yourself.

Words are the most powerful tools that you have and they can destroy if used incorrectly... Or, they can create beautiful things. Beautiful feelings for you ,and beautiful relationships. What you say to yourself can change the way you see yourself and the way others see you. When you tell yourself, "I'm pleasant" people will believe what you're saying. When you tell yourself, "I am healthy", health will follow you.

There will always be times where you may feel like the twins Disappointment and Discouragement come knocking at your door to bring you down with a pity party. But in those times, I tell myself, I will invite the triplets. FAITH, HOPE and LOVE.
No matter what, you should always keep HOPE alive. I know it's difficult, and much easier said than done, but when times come around that make you doubt yourself, or make you feel like there's no chance for anything to get better, but when you believe things can get better, then chances are... THEY WILL!

Have FAITH, no matter how bad things look. When you activate your faith great things happen!
And don't ever forget, the most important thing! Always have LOVE. Without love there is nothing! Love is what keeps people going every day, what makes them wake up every morning and go to bed each night excited about tomorrow. Love is what makes the world go around.
I know this has been over said, but it's all so true. It's always darkest right before the dawn. Darkness always disperses when light shows up. When you think about it, it really has no choice but to leave. That's what you have to do in your life, you have to be the light that makes the darkness go away. It may be hard to keep your light shining, but if your light shines bright, the darkness will go away every time.

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