Dana, an aspiring professional wrestler from Illinois, was recently featured on MTV’s “True Life” where she complained about being too beautiful. The young blonde claimed she has had people telling her how pretty she was all the time, but things got ugly when she got to high-school. ”I got so much attention from all the guys, but I didn’t get along with any of the girls,” Adiva said. ”They were extremely jealous of me”. Things really got out of control when she started getting hate mail from other girls, which eventually forced her to drop out of school.
And that’s only one of the tough things
she has had to deal with because of her looks. Apparently, it’s also affecting her chances of finding true love. ”I’m hoping to find love someday but when you look like me it’s not easy. My looks get in the way,” Dana said. ”When I walk into a bar I’m used to every guy staring at me,” but the men she is actually interested in never seem to take her seriously. Truly a tragedy, this is.
But the wrestler wannabe admits it’s not all bad. ”I get anything I want and I get treated like a princess. I don’t have to be smart, because I have my looks,” Dana said on the show. Still, the perks of being beautiful weren’t enough for her in the beginning. Men stared at her “no matter what”, which she thought was “the most irritating thing in the world”, so she tried making herself less attractive. She tried dyeing her hair brown, wearing glasses and even putting on weight, but nothing seemed to keep men’s eyes off her. So ultimately she decided to embrace her curse, and make herself even more attractive. She’s planning to invest in some chest implants, which she reckons will make her go from a 10 to a 20.
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